Hard Lesson Learned

Sometimes we take things for granted… Often times, it is things we have already completed. Especially in coding.

I may have mentioned this before, but version history can be your friend. Only if you invite that friend over, give them some pizza and offer them a drink. If not, version control is just as effective as that new heavy duty, indestructible padlock sitting on the coffee table.

I am going down this road because I didn’t invite my friend over for a drink. I was creating an Instagram clone app for an iOS tutorial, and I made a different view controller the initial one. That little change sent my code into a frenzy. It was a tailspin I could not recover from.

I spent hours searching, changing code and posting in the class forum to no avail. Ultimately I decided to scrap it and start that lesson over again. I have since made it past the previous point of destruction by dong a few things- 1) Due to sheer paranoia, not changing the initial view controller.  2) Since I didn’t actually heed my own warnings, (apparently paying attention to what I was doing and clicking the checkbox to create a git repo on my computer was too hard), I have an ugly series of folders on my desktop at various stages of completion. But my project still works!!!

Going forward, “everything” gets git. It’s just silly not to. It can save sooooo much time and effort. And mental anguish. And throwing of computers. And pulling out of hair.

And now to properly learn to use GitHub, or one of its competitors…
