From the Beginning

I started a new tutorial, The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course by Rob Percival on It is essentially a recap of his previous course, with the updates for Swift 3 and iOS 10.

I made a commit of the infamous To Do List on Github. There is nothing particularly spectacular about this commit, except I started it with the intent to do what most tutorials have overlooked, using the MVC pattern.

This may sound trivial, but its not so easy to unlearn bad programming habits. I understand it is probably quicker to teach some aspects by tossing arrays and data into a view controller, but I have reviewed some of the code I have done since I have started to learn programming, and a lot of it is a mess! I don’t want to try and maintain my own code! So I am trying to do better, and do it correctly.  No more mixing the data and the view! 

Yeah, this is a pretty short post, can I make it a little longer?…

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