Sometimes it takes a few times to do something, or screw something up, for it to sink in…
Today we are are going to re-hash the importance of git, or of any version control system. And more specifically, using it properly. I may have mentioned my app, AlertYoSelf, that I have on the Apple App Store. It has not been wildly popular, and I am ok with that. But I want to keep it active until I put something else, and better, up.
A while ago, I played with some improvements like the ability to reset the password. It works fine, except the changes I made are not on the version that are hosted on my git account. So, forgetting I had already done all this work, I went straight to my git version and started over again. When I reached the part where I needed to connect to my Parse Server, it finally kicked in that most of what I was trying to do had already been done. (Oh yeah, I am moving away from AWS to Digital Ocean for this app. Like I said, the app has very little activity, and Digital Ocean is cheaper for what I need it to do. Plus this has been a VALUABLE learning experience.)
The moral of this story is, if you use a tool, let the tool do what its designed for. It can save you a lot of time and energy. I will be moving the “more completed” version to the GitHub account and use branches like I’m supposed to. But immediately before that, I will be kicking myself. Again.