Category: iOS 9

  • The AlertYoSelf Reboot

    There is a plan, to join the present with the past. I am going to rebuild a (more proper) API version of my app, AlertYoSelf. AlertYoSelf was a little something I created while learning an earlier version of iOS. It made it to the App Store, and was actually downloaded a few times. (Un)Fortunately, the…

  • Time Flies…

    Wow, it has been just over 2 months since my last post… A lot has happened since then. I have actually started looking for a new job! Instead of complaining about my current situation, I am doing something about it. I have not gone dove into the deep end yet, but I am getting wet,…

  • Hard Lesson Learned

    Sometimes we take things for granted… Often times, it is things we have already completed. Especially in coding. I may have mentioned this before, but version history can be your friend. Only if you invite that friend over, give them some pizza and offer them a drink. If not, version control is just as effective…

  • Cells aren’t just cells

    I was making a table view controller with custom cells. The cells needed to have an image and a new title. There are tutorials of how to subclass the UITableViewCell, but for some reason I didn’t want to go that direction. Then I remember a little app I was playing with where this was accomplished…

  • Polishing the Wheel

    I am “making” an app with a log in screen, and using Parse as the back end, though this works for any login situation. I wanted a simple way to dismiss multiple view controllers using only code. The key word is “simple”. For some reason I was being stubborn and didn’t want to use a navigation…

  • Mmmmm…. Success!!!

    Or something that tastes a bit like it! I know, last post, I said I would discuss my foray into Github. I was premature with that statement. I was running into an issue where I needed something to run (func1), but only AFTER something else did (func2), because func2 depended on the results of func1.…

  • Roadblocks are a necessary pain

    Ouch. That is how I feel after my encounter with NSJSONSerialization… In the tutorial, there is instruction on how to handle a simple JSON object, but I needed something for nested content. Add that to Swift’s changing language, and (from what I have NOT been able to find), the poor documentation on the subject, I feel…

  • Plowing through

    So, on iOS, I just completed a tutorial for downloading and scraping web content to post in an app. I am not going to debate the usefulness of such a practice, it can be beneficial as even today, every site may not have an API for public use. I will instead voice my frustration at…

  • Reality Pokes Its Head In…

    …takes a look, and is disappointed. The accountability aspect is starting to take hold. It is VERY easy to say I’m going to do 1, 2 & 3. It  is another to blow it off. And completely another to look back and see the progress, or in this case, the lack thereof. To say the…

  • Progress!!!

    “Accountability” goes a long way into guilting someone into doing something they have been wanting to do for some time. As of tonight, section 3 of the iOS 9 course has been completed. (which relates roughly to about 10% of the course.)  The iOS course is still basically review for me at the moment. But it…