AlertYoSelf Reboot Progress
As you may have read previously, I am in the process of rebooting an iOS app I had in the App Store. It is underway, but the end result is in question. The core is set up and working, being based on the Fastapi course from Eric Roby. Users can sign up, alerts can be…
Backend Check In
Since my last post, I have kept at it, building the backend to my app (and rebuilding the app itself). A lot of time has been taken up by figuring out what to use. I believe I have settled on Alamofire for the network connection to the “API” (quotes are used here because it is not…
No Replacement for the Real Thing
If you have read this blog before, then you know I have done plenty of tutorials. With this practice, comes plenty of repetition. And while in the middle of the tutorial, I understand what I am doing. But once it is completed, I am left with an overall understanding (which is not a bad thing…
Talking about git. Again
Sometimes it takes a few times to do something, or screw something up, for it to sink in… Today we are are going to re-hash the importance of git, or of any version control system. And more specifically, using it properly. I may have mentioned my app, AlertYoSelf, that I have on the Apple App…
La Petit Errors
Let me say, there is probably no such thing as a tiny error. The devil is in the details. And apparently the bane of my existence… Recently, two tiny, major errors caused me to waste time on items I should not have. The first error involves modifying a tutorial. For project details, you can see it here.…
Jumping back in…
It has been waaaaay too long since I have posted here, on Github, or written any code (for myself). I had a valid reason for missing posts for a short period of time (I relocated to a different city), but multiple months is inexcusable. The time has come for me to re-orient my mind, and my…
From the Beginning
I started a new tutorial, The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course by Rob Percival on Udemy.com. It is essentially a recap of his previous course, with the updates for Swift 3 and iOS 10. I made a commit of the infamous To Do List on Github. There is nothing particularly spectacular about this commit, except…
Time Flies…
Wow, it has been just over 2 months since my last post… A lot has happened since then. I have actually started looking for a new job! Instead of complaining about my current situation, I am doing something about it. I have not gone dove into the deep end yet, but I am getting wet,…
Polishing the Wheel
I am “making” an app with a log in screen, and using Parse as the back end, though this works for any login situation. I wanted a simple way to dismiss multiple view controllers using only code. The key word is “simple”. For some reason I was being stubborn and didn’t want to use a navigation…