Reality Pokes Its Head In…
…takes a look, and is disappointed. The accountability aspect is starting to take hold. It is VERY easy to say I’m going to do 1, 2 & 3. It is another to blow it off. And completely another to look back and see the progress, or in this case, the lack thereof. To say the…
“Accountability” goes a long way into guilting someone into doing something they have been wanting to do for some time. As of tonight, section 3 of the iOS 9 course has been completed. (which relates roughly to about 10% of the course.) The iOS course is still basically review for me at the moment. But it…
And I’m back
I was gone for a bit, but now I’m back. Moving is so time consuming… As of today, 140 lessons completed on FreeCodeCamp. It’s some progress, but not as much as there should be. Also, FreeCodeCamp was going through a few changes. They no longer outsource the javascript and jQuery items to CodeAcademy. Plus, they have…
The progress continues
Two nights ago, exercise 75 was completed in Free Code Camp. Ironically, for the last few of them, we were sent over to Code Academy for their jQuery tutorials. It’s like bringing the past and the present together! These were a smidge more challenging as it has been a little bit since I’ve needed jQuery. I…
Beginning a Journey
Last night, I signed up for an account at Free Code Camp. *insert cheering here* I had known about this site for about 2 weeks, but it took me this long to get it going. Why? I don’t know. But that is why I am here, to try and overcome these issues. I have previously…
The little hidden things
Have you ever had one of those days where you focus on a tiny little thing, only to learn that some time later, (possibly hours), you had an even smaller detail incorrect? Traditionally, when building a website, I used a CMS that handled a lot of the heavy lifting. I didn’t have to worry about…
The second post…
Ok, I have realized that intent is not good enough. Follow through and performance is what counts. It has been 2 months since the first post was published. Since then, I have been playing around and learned some new things. But without listing them here, I may not remember specifically what I learned, or that I touched…
The First One
Hello, and welcome! As you can tell from the title, this is my first post. Getting this blog up and running was originally going to be the original, but there are SOOOOOOO many posts about Wordpress already… I intend to update this as often as possible. Keeping track of my foray into the creation side of technology.…