Reality Pokes Its Head In…

…takes a look, and is disappointed.

The accountability aspect is starting to take hold. It is VERY easy to say I’m going to do 1, 2 & 3. It  is another to blow it off. And completely another to look back and see the progress, or in this case, the lack thereof. To say the least, I am extremely disappointed with my results.

J is my code buddy. Up until recently, I was far ahead of her in the course we are taking. But she has an excuse-she works, goes to school and has an internship. I have an excuse as well-I work a full time job, and grumble a lot. (I have also been out of town for 10 days)

No amount of grumbling, wishing, or fake deals with myself will gain me education and the knowledge needed to move forward (in this particular area).

As of last night, 2 courses completed in iOS. 24% done. (and understood)

No additional courses for Free Code Camp…

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