For longer than I’d like to admit, I kept hearing about this thing called Elasticsearch. Now I have an idea of what it is! Over the last week, I completed the Beginner’s Crash Course to Elastic Stack (YouTube mini videos). I am by no means claiming that I KNOW Elasticsearch, but I believe I have…
More with Udemy and Python
Another tutorial has fallen before me!!! This time, I have taken down REST APIs with Flask and Python. This one was more enjoyable than the previous course. I felt it was more on point for the description, but we also went down a possibly “unneeded” rabbit hole. (These opinions may be coming from my inexperience as…
La Petit Errors
Let me say, there is probably no such thing as a tiny error. The devil is in the details. And apparently the bane of my existence… Recently, two tiny, major errors caused me to waste time on items I should not have. The first error involves modifying a tutorial. For project details, you can see it here.…
edX Comes to the Rescue
After deciding to not complete (and pay for) the 30 Days of Python, I turned my sights back to edX! I have started the course Using Python for Research, and have just completed the homework for week 2. The homework for week 1 threw me for a loop, and to be honest, I did not complete…
Github revisited
Have you ever had that feeling when you are learning something, and then find out you were doing it wrong, or at least not in the best way? Yeah… I know I was not using Github to anywhere close to its capabilities, and I there are still uses that still need to be uncovered, but…
Bitten by Python
Yesterday, I completed edx’s Introduction to Python for Data Science course. If I may pat myself on the back, I received a perfect score! I audited this course, I did not sign up for the certificate. I will admit, this was a bit easier than I expected, it was completed over the course of about 3…
From the Beginning
I started a new tutorial, The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course by Rob Percival on Udemy.com. It is essentially a recap of his previous course, with the updates for Swift 3 and iOS 10. I made a commit of the infamous To Do List on Github. There is nothing particularly spectacular about this commit, except…
Hard Lesson Learned
Sometimes we take things for granted… Often times, it is things we have already completed. Especially in coding. I may have mentioned this before, but version history can be your friend. Only if you invite that friend over, give them some pizza and offer them a drink. If not, version control is just as effective…
Yeah, Github
My good buddy Github. Or as I like to call it, “Git”. We’re close like that. Ok, maybe not as close as an aspiring developer and a version control system should be. Since we are in confession mode, I will admit, I have not used Git on a large scale mode. For personal use, it…
Roadblocks are a necessary pain
Ouch. That is how I feel after my encounter with NSJSONSerialization… In the tutorial, there is instruction on how to handle a simple JSON object, but I needed something for nested content. Add that to Swift’s changing language, and (from what I have NOT been able to find), the poor documentation on the subject, I feel…