Tag: iOS

  • The AlertYoSelf Reboot

    There is a plan, to join the present with the past. I am going to rebuild a (more proper) API version of my app, AlertYoSelf. AlertYoSelf was a little something I created while learning an earlier version of iOS. It made it to the App Store, and was actually downloaded a few times. (Un)Fortunately, the…

  • FastAPI – quick to build, runs fast

    FastAPI is an up and coming framework for Python to create an API. Some would say it’s already here. Yes, its main purpose is to be an API, but it can still host a website. Much in the same way Flask is a web framework, but can be used as an API. They can do…

  • Backend Check In

    Since my last post, I have kept at it, building the backend to my app (and rebuilding the app itself). A lot of time has been taken up by figuring out what to use. I believe I have settled on Alamofire for the network connection to the “API” (quotes are used here because it is not…

  • La Petit Errors

    Let me say, there is probably no such thing as a tiny error. The devil is in the details. And apparently the bane of my existence… Recently, two tiny, major errors caused me to waste time on items I should not have. The first error involves modifying a tutorial. For project details, you can see it here.…

  • From the Beginning

    I started a new tutorial, The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course by Rob Percival on Udemy.com. It is essentially a recap of his previous course, with the updates for Swift 3 and iOS 10. I made a commit of the infamous To Do List on Github. There is nothing particularly spectacular about this commit, except…

  • Time Flies…

    Wow, it has been just over 2 months since my last post… A lot has happened since then. I have actually started looking for a new job! Instead of complaining about my current situation, I am doing something about it. I have not gone dove into the deep end yet, but I am getting wet,…

  • Hard Lesson Learned

    Sometimes we take things for granted… Often times, it is things we have already completed. Especially in coding. I may have mentioned this before, but version history can be your friend. Only if you invite that friend over, give them some pizza and offer them a drink. If not, version control is just as effective…

  • Mmmmm…. Success!!!

    Or something that tastes a bit like it! I know, last post, I said I would discuss my foray into Github. I was premature with that statement. I was running into an issue where I needed something to run (func1), but only AFTER something else did (func2), because func2 depended on the results of func1.…

  • Roadblocks are a necessary pain

    Ouch. That is how I feel after my encounter with NSJSONSerialization… In the tutorial, there is instruction on how to handle a simple JSON object, but I needed something for nested content. Add that to Swift’s changing language, and (from what I have NOT been able to find), the poor documentation on the subject, I feel…

  • Reality Pokes Its Head In…

    …takes a look, and is disappointed. The accountability aspect is starting to take hold. It is VERY easy to say I’m going to do 1, 2 & 3. It  is another to blow it off. And completely another to look back and see the progress, or in this case, the lack thereof. To say the…