Tag: parse

  • Parse Server Defeated

    I have hit another stage of feeling like I have accomplished something. I now have my own Parse Server running. It also has a dashboard and cloud code. Plus, (wait for it…), it is also has background jobs!!! The jobs turned out to be considerably less complicated than I thought. It may not be a “proper”…

  • Time Flies…

    Wow, it has been just over 2 months since my last post… A lot has happened since then. I have actually started looking for a new job! Instead of complaining about my current situation, I am doing something about it. I have not gone dove into the deep end yet, but I am getting wet,…

  • Roadblocks are a necessary pain

    Ouch. That is how I feel after my encounter with NSJSONSerialization… In the tutorial, there is instruction on how to handle a simple JSON object, but I needed something for nested content. Add that to Swift’s changing language, and (from what I have NOT been able to find), the poor documentation on the subject, I feel…